Aaaand it’s done

August 10, 2009 at 6:11 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

Finished Darwin’s Chimney area.  I’d tell you that I’m proud of it, but I’ve seen it so much in the last month and a half that I don’t feel or see anything now.  Give it a couple weeks and then I’ll give testimony.

As the artist comments say, the scene is a monster 48355 Polys, with 27 individual objects (2 duplicated for 29 objects in the scene), attached to 43 Shaders containing 57 texture maps from 2-4k in size.  Most of them are color and normal, but I have one or two alpha and I think one specular in there as well.  The fireplace and the mirror took the longest, I think just over two weeks for the both.  On average the other objects took 1/2-3 days.  I definitely got quicker at them as time went on too.  If I were to redo the fireplace and mirror I don’t imagine they would take so much time.  And if you’re curious, my folder containing all the files I created in making this render (working files, pds, reference) is just over 2GB.

Laura and I took one last trip to Amsterdam on Saturday.  We went to the NEMO science center, which was a Dutch version of the Exploratorium pretty much.  Minus the copious amounts of impolite kids EVERYWHERE it was pretty entertaining.  They also had a replica of a Dutch-India Trading company ship floating outside, which we explored and rested on.  After that we went to grab some food and shopped around a bit.  Bought presents for friends/family and I bought a couple birthday gifts for myself, since it is my birthday tomorrow after all *grin*.

We’ve got 4 more days of work, the weekend and monday before we’re back on a crazy-long plane ride home.  It’s starting to get a little surreal to think about returning home, now that it’s looming so close.  I am looking forward to being home, but I can also tell it’s going to be weird when it actually happens.

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